Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Past Few Months...

Yes, yes I know!  It's been a rather long time since I've updated everyone on our lives in Connecticut.  I'm really not that good at this whole blogging thing.  I forget about it and then, when I remember the blog and plan to write something, I never do.  So this entry may be a bit long and possibly filled with pictures...

So let's start near the beginning...

This is Chuck's "first day of work" picture :)  This is while we were still in the hotel, of course.  Chuck has been enjoying work and learning a bunch!  The drive isn't that great though...takes him about 30 mins to get to work and longer if traffic is really bad.

This is "move-in day"!!  Our stuff took up about two thirds of that truck and the guys were mighty sweaty after unloading all of it.  As you can probably tell, we live on a hopefully this winter we won't have too much trouble driving up it...hopefully.

And this is were they unloaded the majority of our belongings.  We were still waiting on new carpet for the bedrooms and the basement so we tried to keep those areas as empty as possible.  The previous owners had pets and you could definitely tell from the carpet.  I spent a little less than two weeks painting the bedrooms, basement and the trim before the carpet arrived.  I was actually surprised how quickly I got it all done.  It looks soooooo much better now than when we first moved in!  And once the carpet arrived we started unpacking. 

This is our room.  Originally, I painted the room yellow...then, once I had emptied the can of paint, I started to freak out!  It was really yellow!!  So I decided to go back to the dull, boring, and comfortable tan :)  I think it will look much better once we hang curtains and things on the walls.  And the Sugar's bed also adds a little something to the space...

The guest bedroom is painted a purple-ish color and the other room is green.  It looks way better than the bright turquoise that was in the rooms before!  Believe me!!!

I've also gotten all three of the bathrooms painted!  The one I was dreading the most was the basement couldn't pay me to even walk in there!!  Which is why I had Chuck's mom clean it for me (LOVE HER!!).  No joke, she walked in and said (as if it were nothing) "Oh yeah, that's pee all over the wall..."  That just blew my mind (obviously, I don't have children) because the kids that did live here were older.  And the fact that it went uncleaned....okay, I'm getting grossed out all over again! But my mother-in-law did a great job cleaning it up!  I was able to get it all painted and now I am no longer afraid of that area of the house :)  

So I had Chuck's mom cleaned the bathroom...and I forgot to mention that she had a boot on one foot from surgery a few weeks ago...and a broken toe on the other foot (man, I'm a horrible daughter-in-law).  Chuck's parents and grandma came to visit for two weeks earlier this month.  It was really great having them here.  Not only did they help with a lot of projects around the house but they were great company.  It tends to get a tad lonely around here during the day because I don't have a car so I'm pretty much just stuck at home with Sugar to converse with (and let's face it, I love her to death but she has major social issues).  So I was pretty bummed to see them leave.  But, they're coming back in October for Family Day at Sikorsky to tour Chuck's job site.  

Here's Chuck and his dad building a hardcore work bench for the garage!

And the finished product!  Chuck quickly filled it with all kinds of garage stuff...

Our box pile is now down to this...still a lot of boxes but many of them are partially empty.  I still have to paint the living/dining room area which will be a ton of fun...high ceilings.  But it's going to look great once we're finished with it!  

And I have to put at least one picture of Sugar in this post :)  She loves our hydrangea bush!  On hot days, she will bury herself in it to avoid the sun.  The other day she found a toy down there (I'm guessing from the previous owners) which made her very happy :)  

And I think that should pretty much bring you up to speed on our lives lately.  Who knows when my next post will be...I'm obviously not consistent.  But I will try harder not to forget about it :)